Don’t Go It Alone: It’s Okay to Ask For Help

I think we all need this reminder from time to time. Great post by Christy B.!

When Women Inspire

Be honest with others that you're struggling You don’t have to be a lone wolf. Friends and family can help you. Pexels, CC0 License.

There’s a strange attitude that many people seem to have drilled into them from a very early age that asking for help from the people around them is somehow a sign of weakness. As though the only way to live your life properly is to never need anyone else and be completely independent all of the time. Sure, there’s something a little bit romantic about the idea of being a lone wolf who doesn’t need anyone else to get by, but actually living your life like that is not only difficult but it’s also incredibly lonely.

A good life is one where you’re willing to reach out to other people and understand the importance of accepting help when it’s offered to you. However, because of how we’re all trained to want to be…

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Christy B says:

    Oh Didi, thank you for the reblog here! I appreciate it 🙂 Hope you’re having a nice weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very welcome 🙂


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