Blank Slate

Do you ever have days when you find yourself staring off into nothingness, every time you sit down and try to accomplish something?  I’ve been editing for a couple of days now, and I haven’t completed NEAR as much as I should have. I hate editing, but for the most part can suck it up, and just do the damn thing whether I like it or not. I may not be the best at it either, especially when it’s my own stuff… BUT like every other growing author on the planet, we take the good with the crap and push through…  Don’t we?

Since yesterday I’ve struggled to ‘push through’. I’ve read the same lines over and over. I’ve found silly little projects around the house to jump up and take care of. I’ve even baked… Who bakes? I’ll stare into space and then convince myself that Maybe it’s because I’m hungry, that I can’t focus. So, I eat, or I bake lol. I’ll probably gain a couple (more) pounds by the time this week if over, I’m sure!


Anyhow, today is the day that I force myself to focus!  If it kills me I’ll get it done. Or, if it kills anyone else, I’ll get it done lol.


Wish me luck, I’m going to need it!!!

ALSO, don’t forget the writing challenge for the month of Oct! Write a scene/short story with the theme of ‘bump in the night’ using the characters from your WIP! Here are the not so Rule(ish) rules:


As an Author/challenge joiner: All you need to do is use the characters from your WIP (work in progress), or even a published works, and plug them into the given scene for a short story style post. It can be funny, serious, deadly, really just whatever you want as long as it’s true to your characters (as in, what they would actually do in this situation)!! It’s a fun way to be creative with those personalities that you as their creator love so much. It’s also a fun way to introduce them to the world and your blogs, without giving away your plots and twists… Just pure ‘meet my characters, and get to know their personalities’ separate from their book.

Don’t forget to link me in, so that I know to share your stuff on my scene as well!

CHECK OUT Sept. Challenge WIP Characters at the Poker Table #shortstory HERE!!!

Happy writing friends, hopefully you’re more productive than I have been the last couple of days!

12 Comments Add yours

  1. raistlin0903 says:

    Good luck! But…you know what? I don’t think you will need it. Knowing you, you will eventually get it done. Just don’t think too hard, and when you feel like you need it, take a small break 😊 But above all: have fun! 😊😊


    1. I rarely hear the words editing and fun in the same phrase… But I’m learning to put it there more often lol… Find what works, right?! 😉

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      1. raistlin0903 says:

        Absolutely! Well, you will be able to make it work! I know you can do it! 😀😀

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  2. Of course, Didi, I bake a great deal. I enjoy editing. I find it rewarding to relook at aspects of my writing and make it better.

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    1. I love your outlook! I like to bake on occasion, but honestly, I’m terrible at it! I’d kill to be a better cook. I’m really good at burning things 😉

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  3. That’s been me ALL MONTH… It’s been pretty frustrating. Maybe, you just need a little Kickstart.. A change of working environment or something?? Sometimes a little change can Kickstart the brain. (or so I keep telling myself!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right! This weekend, I wound up setting everything aside, and picked up an older book by my favorite author, and have totally burried myself in it. EXACTLY what I’ve needed 😍 … I’m balls deep 🤣🤔


      1. Yay!!! Balls deep in a favourite is the BEST THING FOR STRESS!! 💖💖😂🍻

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      2. Agreed! LOL 😂😎

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