Weathering Old Souls: Character Introduction, Sarah Brown

As November comes to an end next week, it dawned on James J Cudney (AKA, Jay) and I that we had better introduce another character from our co-written novel, Weathering Old Souls!!! This time, we’ve chosen a supporting character who truly has all the advice Abigail needs to hear. Imagine being on a West Virginia 1860s plantation that’s about to be torn down, when you meet the woman who will change your life. She’s not at all what you expected, and she’s a force to be reckoned with… Sarah Brown is the epitome of historical fictional and she will charm the readers in many future scenes. Hopefully this porch provides you a picture of the setting you’ll be treated to in the full length chapter where the scene takes place.

Before I provide a snippet of the full scene, allow me to share a quick update on our progress on the release process of Abigail Perry’s story and unveiling the reality of her past lives. Jay and I have a complete document that has been revised and polished. It is in the hands of several agents and agencies, and we’re waiting to hear back before weighing our options and making that final decision of publication. In the interim, we’ve decided to give you all a little sample/character introduction every month until it’s released. These teasers will be small, as not to give away any key plot points. That said, there are so many characters in this big fat baby of ours, we have plenty of people to introduce!


Abigail turns to see an elderly black woman hobbling toward them on a cane. She must be at least ninety years old if she’s a day. “I’m so sorry. We only meant to find the owners. Perhaps we could ask you a few questions?”

Margaret, the natural politician and adept negotiator, reaches the woman first. “My name is Margaret Staunton. I’m a congresswoman from South Carolina, but my friend and I are doing some research here in West Virginia. We didn’t mean to alarm you.”

“Ah. You’ve come about the house, I suppose.” The woman stops, settling her cane into the broken flooring of the wooden porch. She’s formidable, tall and solid. “Best not go inside. That place is gonna fall down before the implosion this week. What a shame!”

Abigail explains why they’ve shown up, hoping to find a potential lead. “What might you be able to share?

Sarah relaxes into her rocking chair, slowly gliding back and forth. “Heard many stories in my day. Strange ones, too. People disappearing. Aliens visiting the Earth. Monsters rising from beneath the surface. None of them yarns were true.”

Margaret pauses to digest the woman’s words. “Are you saying that you don’t believe Abigail conjures the presence of a woman named Billie Miller who lived here at least a century ago?”

Sarah casts a disapproving look in Margaret’s direction. “You’ve been working for the government too long, honey. Lost your natural ability to read people. Can’t tell when a friend is trying to tell you what she really believes. Hush up now. Let me speak.”

Abigail smiles, gratified when someone puts Margaret in her place. Though she loves her dearly, sometimes Margaret needs a minor course correction. “Go on, Mrs. Brown. I’m eager to learn what you know.” Abigail pulls her quartz necklace from beneath her blouse and places it on top of the newly damp maroon fabric. The stone is burning, almost glowing despite its previous presence under the blouse.

Sarah curiously watches Abigail twist the piece of jewelry between her fingers. “Spirits might come and go from a lifetime, but they never vanish permanently. They live on through others. People who can help them move forward when they can’t do it on their own. I’m not talking about ghosts or silly hauntings. I’m talking about the channeling of kindred souls and the memories of past lives, child. Some of ‘em be old, special, comin’ back around many times, with many stories to tell. And I’ve got one of ’em to share with you too.”

Thank you for joining us today to meet a new character, one with a major influence on the outcome of Abigail’s story. Stay tuned next month for another big character reveal!

In case you missed last month’s, check out the excerpt from a serial killer.

You can also learn more about the book via the original post where we shared a description and timeline.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. I’m so excited about this book!!! Just got back from Maine too. Back to focusing on planning for our launch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you made it home safe!! Our launch is going to be AMAZING! This book is so beautiful 😍

      Liked by 1 person

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