Update: Justice for Belle #Psychological #Drama #progress #newrelease

A few months ago I passed a completed draft of Justice for Belle (A psychological drama to be released soon!!!) over to the lovely author TL Harty , creator of Behold Ellowee so that she could help me with a round of edits. What she came back with is so far beyond what I’d expected, and I’ll forever…

In An Editors Hands

Well it’s official guys, the first draft of my next physiological novella Justice for Belle is in the first round of edits and BETA reads! It’s such a bitter sweet feeling to finish up a manuscript! Kind of like, I want to dance and celebrate. But, it would have to be an awkward self-conscious kinda’ dance. The kind of…

Beauty of Beta Readers, Some Tips and Tricks.

There’s much to be said about Beta reads, and in my opinion, none of it is bad!  The first time I had a REAL GOOD beta read completed on a manuscript of  my own, I was absolutely blown away!  This reader was amazing!! She helped me take my own writing style and transform it into exactly what I wanted it to…

Revisiting First Projects

The very first book I ever wrote is an awesome (teenage +) slasher story, The Stix… That is very poorly edited lol. The editing was only the first of many mistakes with that book. I also published with a vanity company that CLAIMED to be traditional… But they suck and I was excited and naïve enough as a ‘new’ author that…