Nov. WIP Challenge: Cozy Holliday at Home

First off, Happy National Writing Month!!!  For the first time ever I signed up for NaNoWriMo, and I’m off to a bangin start! Best of luck to all the other WordPress NaNo writers out there this year!

Now, to the task at hand…

 If you’re new to my WIP writing challenge. It goes like this: Every month I give a prompt and encourage other writers to take the characters from their Works In Progress and plug them into a scene or short story with the prompt. I’ve been running with it for just over a year, and LOVE it!  Such a fun way to mix things up with your characters!

This month I want to do a scene that’s a bit more heart felt in order to truly sink into the spirit of giving thanks. I want to get to know your characters in their own home settings. I want to get to know how a holiday would be in their most intimate comfort zones! Do something sweet and selfless, or something chaotic and true to their unique persana… but do it at home. Good luck writers!  I’m looking forward to exploring the homes of your WIP characters!!

That said… Nov. WIP Prompt is COZY HOLLIDAY AT HOME



As the initiator: Every month I’ll give a real time circumstance, hang out spot, or every day situation. I’ll post the exact scene/challenge the first week of every month.

As an Author/challenge joiner: All you need to do is use the characters from your WIP (work in progress), or even a published works, and plug them into the given scene for a short story style post. It can be funny, serious, deadly, really just whatever you want as long as it’s true to your characters (as in, what they would actually do in this situation)!! It’s a fun way to be creative with those personalities that you as their creator love so much. It’s also a fun way to introduce them to the world and your blogs, without giving away your plots and twists… Just pure ‘meet my characters, and get to know their personalities’ separate from their book.

How we work together as Authors and the Initiator:  I’ll do my own scene/challenge post on the very last day of the month (that way I can be sure to link in every joiner, and you can do your posts at your own leisure). Write your scene’s anytime you wish, at any point of the month. All that I need is your final challenge post link.

Please comment on this post with your scene links!!  Thanks writers!!


17 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

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  2. Fair heads up: I have an idea for a Hildreth and Elsie scene for this prompt. Jeff may or may not make an unplanned appearance. It all depends on how the story unfolds in the writing. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol Hildreth is m uth favorite! 🤩

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww! Thank you! He is awesome, if I can say that out loud about one of my own characters. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, you most definitely can! ❤🥰

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  3. cosistories says:

    As promised, here you go!

    I might do a second one later tonight with my vampire characters. I’m curious how they would go about celebrating Thanksgiving. It should be very interesting, that’s for sure. 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A vampire Thanksgiving sounds intriguing indeed! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. cosistories says:

        Absolutely! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. kristianw84 says:

    Yay!! I’m looking forward to this one!! I am also new to NanoWriMo, but I plan to search for you soon. I am not off to a bangin’ start. Lol! But I will get there. November is a very busy month for us, but I will make time. Even if I only write a little, it’s better than nothing!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m in the same boat! lol I think I set my goal too high, cause November really is insane lol. Definitely find me. I looked for you, and am striking out *face palm*


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