Reading/Writing With Mood Food

I don’t know about you, but I turn to comfort food for practically EVERYTHING! Just like I like to write projects and read books according to seasons and moods, I also like to EAT food that are seemingly appropriate for the literary occasion of the day. Call it a hankering for irony, or an awkward take on OCD, or don’t call it anything at all. I’m cool with that too.

Either way, I sometimes eat/drink accordingly… Because why not!?  Pissed off at the hubz; eat a big fat old greasy cheeseburger and wash it down with a vodka. Excited about life’s accomplishments; eat a steak and shrimp dinner then top it off with a margarita. Reading a romance; eat fruit and chocolate while sipping on some wine. Writing a paranormal; drink some coffee before bed and stay up all night and munch on chips. Mostly so that you can be really super careful about not making the bag crinkle because someone might hear you eat and attack you in the dark.

A couple weeks ago I referred everyone to a phenomenal fall appropriate soup recipe in my post Is It Fall Already?  I’m so glad that gave this soup a try. I actually doubled up the recipe and my family and I still ate every last drop of the pot by the next day. It worked out great because at the time I was working on a BETA read for a contemporary piece. It was a slow burn, but fulfilling so the soup was absolutely perfect for my food mood!

I think Denise Billups (the writer of the recipe) must be my food mood mind reader, because tonight I’ll be trying another of her choices. Here’s why.

There are actually a few reasons…

  1. It’s officially fall, and I’ll use any season or excuse at all really for an awesome desert!
  2. I actually have all the ingredients needed already in my house right now, so I don’t have to go shopping special. (that’s a really big deal in my world of cooking)
  3. Sadly, I recently had to defend my beliefs, and what I feel are moral rights as an U.S. citizen, to a situation where my words were twisted into something opposite as to what I actually stand for. Weird how that added twist of misconception happens so easily, that’s why I hate politics. Anyhow it left me feeling very American, and what is more American and Apple Pie? lol
  4. I made homemade Kailua (its coffee based) and we all know how perfectly coffee drinks go with apple treats!! My mouth is watering already.
  5. I’m almost finished with a romance/erotica that is a AWESOME read!  I plan on finishing it tonight and what’s sweeter than eating a delicious warming goodie while reading a delicious warming book!?

I’m just going to stop myself there. I’m sure I could come up with a thousand and one reasons (or excuses lol) to eat APPLE CRISP CRUMBLE!!!

Check out Denise’s recipe here!


23 Comments Add yours

  1. I usually eat cheese curls or have a cup of tea when I read and write, lol. Your meals are way better than mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I LOVE everything cheesy LOL .. really though, I’ll probably end up with a blockage or sorts before I’m old enough to call myself a senior 😉


      1. OMG, lol. I pray you don’t. Glad you are doing well. I’m trying to get my life together lol. Are you doing NanoWriMo2017?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m not, and I SWORE that I’d totally do it this year… Maybe it’s commitment issues lol.. How’s the agent querying?? Going good I hope?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a comfort eater too! I love eating some munchies with a good book. Might be why I’m so fluffy!🤔


    1. LOL I have a weight flocculation issue myself haha. BUT I just got off a diet and lost some lbs so I’m in the clear for a while… HEEELLLLLOOOOO SUGAR!! There’s nothing wrong with a little fluff 😉


      1. More cusion for the pushin’ lol. I was on a diet but the last month I’ve been stress eating and slacking🤤 I got to get back to it for it by my health. But to be honest I’m eating a zebra cake as I write this. Lmao.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LMAO more muffin for the stuffin’ 😉 … I love zebra cakes, almost as much as ding dongs!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. yummmmm… drools… lol i love the muffin for the stuffin one. hehe.. I also like slap the fat ride the wave!! lmao

        Liked by 1 person

      4. HAHA omg I’ve never heard that one lol

        Liked by 1 person

  3. depatridge says:

    Well woven, I thought, Didi.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mike Lukas says:

    Funny, Didi, I’ll go from beer and grilled tuna salad sandwiches to white wine on ice (Desp. Housewives style) with corn chips, doing the same thing you do (for gawdz sake, hide the crinkle!) so I don’t have to explain my odd culinary choices to my wife.

    Some things are just for me (hee hee)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha exactly!! I tell my husband that the wierd thing I do and eat/drink are to keep him guessing…. but, really, it gets weirder after he’s sleepin 😉😂


  5. Didi, I hope you enjoy the Apple Crisp. It’s my fall addiction with blueberries, cranberries every berry. The fall is my time revel in sweets which I eschew all year until October. I also wear out my running shoes trying to burn the extra calories consumed. 🙂 Enjoy! And congratulations on your new book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL yes!! It was absolutely perfect! My husband and I ate the entire thing last night, and I jumped on the elliptical first thing this morning haha


      1. Sorry for the late response, Didi. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I laugh because, it so good, but you gotta be cautious of the calories. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Sheblogs says:

    I’m a seasonal eater too! Fall is my definite favourite xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too! I’m pretty sure it’s because of the pumpkin spice 🙂 … and pie lol


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