Back To The Writing Grind!

Time ticks on for a wanna-be Like me Wrapped up and swallowed Raw, whole Into pieces we’re pulled Distributed, Like wholesale,  Passed out in bulk Be a mom Work your job Write all those stories They’re brewing in your head Don’t stop Can’t rest Sun-up to sun-down Yet, we manage To find ourselves Mediocre At…

#Submissions Open for #Poetry #shortstories and More!!

You guys!!! A couple years ago I met and co-published with quite a few AMAZING romance authors. One of these beautiful humans reached out to me the other day asking if I knew of any great writers that’d be interested in a project. It looks SO awesome too!!! Check this out, and join!! Let me…

A Relaxing Mothers Day… Just What the Doctor Ordered!

What a beautifully relaxing Mothers Day here in my neck of the woods! My children are early risers, and late nighters, and middle of the nighters…. Okay, let’s just say I’ve haven’t slept for like 8 years, because I’m counting pregnancy too. My oldest is 7 and my youngest is 5. They’re the sweetest little…


Easter weekend 2020 is a completely new experience than any previous year for humanity as a whole. Lots of people don’t celebrate this holiday, and for those of us who do, the views and beliefs and opinions vary. For many, it’s a time strictly for religion. For even more it’s a time for making family…

Of #writing #Autism and #Isolation Sending Love and Prayers!

I suppose today is day one of a two week school shut down here in central Utah. As a writer, I’m going to take it as a taste of what writing will be like in the summer, with my kids running around clawing at each other… and me… and our dog… and likely breaking shit….

The Rollercoaster that is an Independent Writer: Stick to the Grind

Let’s talk about slacking off… oh and priorities because they clearly go hand in hand. The two – priorities and slacking – are kind of the best fitting metaphor of a double edged sword, each side sharp and meaningful, complimenting one another in an odd way. Together, they enable you to slow down when absolutely…


Kiss my ass 2019. Ooooohhh what a cruel, cruel b**ch you’ve been. Hopefully, in hindsight, all the cold dishes you’ve served will prove to have some sort of higher/better purpose. Even just today, for a miniscule example, as if to really drive your shity point of evil mishap home, my dryer broke… in the last…