Progress Over Perfection

Progress over perfection is really becoming a common theme in my house lately! That and “Yogurt”. My eight year old son joined the bandwagon of naming swear words something other than the actual word. He seriously practiced every word he could think of in any scenario of swears. For a few days he wandered around…

Writing Progress in the Fall

I have some very exciting news, that I’ve kind of been waiting to announce! There is so much going on right now, progress made, changes taking place, bookish goodness in the works, I honestly don’t know where to start! Usually when I’m between projects I loose my mind a little (Binge Everything… Even Writing)… Okay,…

Moving Forward

Nothing about life just stops and waits for us. Time moves forward whether we’re ready for it or not. People grow, and events happen. We can progress right along with time. We can work hard day in and day out toward our goals (note I didn’t say dreams, because really that’s just a load of…

When You Love Making Writing Progress!

We’re officially one full month into 2018, and holy crap on a cracker where does this time go?! For only 28 days, it’s been a bit of a roller coaster month with Loss (my grandma), excitement (I’ve quite possibly sold my house), progress (in writing), and even sickness in my house. As a mother there…

Coming Home To Paradise Valley … (update on a new western)

A few weeks ago I announced in a post that my sweet Grandma wrote a book! My Grandma’s A Writer! I’m so excited for her to finally be chasing her dream, and to top it all off SHE IS SOOOOOO TALLENTED!! I’ve never in my life came across a woman so loving, genuine and humble, so I think when this book…

One Hell Of A Bookish Month!

So much bookishness has happened with me in the month of October. I was sitting here staring blankly at my computer today, struggling to pull a little bit of write-spiration to the surface, when it hit me… You know, I could probably get away with taking the last two days of this month off because after all, it’s likely…

Excerpt: Search For Maylee …. COMING SOON!

Nervously, Autumn hurried to the door. Before opening it, she took a quick heart throbbing look out the peep hole. There he was, the man she had spent her evenings swooning over while listening to the steady hum of his voice over the phone. A man that she once detested, and now ached for. There…