Excerpt: Search For Maylee …. COMING SOON!

Nervously, Autumn hurried to the door. Before opening it, she took a quick heart throbbing look out the peep hole. There he was, the man she had spent her evenings swooning over while listening to the steady hum of his voice over the phone. A man that she once detested, and now ached for. There were so many things she wished could be different about this moment. She would have prepared herself, dressed nice and fixed her hair – probably up and swept from her face. She would have picked something with a low neckline to wear, lathered her skin with her silkiest lotions, and even taken the time to shave. Everything…

Rather than the romantic reunion Autumn had been anticipating, she was being forced to see him in dreaded conditions of her own, and clearly of his too. It was going to take everything she had to shoo him out of her apartment. She had every intention on telling him all about Josie, but not until she had the time to speak with her first. Josie needed to warm up to Autumn, and rest. That wouldn’t be a possibility if she was thrown to the wolves before even being able to catch her breath. Autumn had to keep Josie a secret, at least for tonight.

Chance stood outside the door waiting impatiently. It’d been a long trip, he’d caught the first flight possible after hearing news of another sighting of Maylee. Right there in Denver nonetheless. It was time to be completely honest with Autumn, and he had to do it in person. Anxiously, he held his breath as her metal door creaked open. All he could do was come clean about his lies and pray for her forgiveness.

Their eyes locked and for one brief moment they were the only two people in the world. Josie, Craig, Jeremy, and even Maylee faded into mere background.  The sharp gray shards of color in his eyes pierced through her, and she drank in their naked vulnerability. There was a sense of surrender in the upward pull of his brows. It was a look she was yet to see plastered on his handsome face, a look that melted her from the inside out.

As she welcomed him in, the sexy familiar scent of him threatened to consume her. It smelled like spruce bark and ocean mixed into a fresh rustic blend, and it followed him into her apartment, her heart, her future. They had opened up to each other in a way that there was no turning back from. Even if it had only been by phone. No matter what he had to say, there was sure to be a way around it. Autumn was confident of that.

As usual, I’ve bitten off more than I can chew lately. One project after another, I’ve filled my to-do glass until it’s spilled on the floor leaving me nothing but a mess. But, I’m happy to announce that I see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I have set everything aside for the last couple of days, and have really thrown myself into my latest and greatest!

I’ve been working on revisions for this portion of my book-to-be Search For Maylee, and I’m so excited about it! So, I thought I’d share an excerpt today, hope you enjoyed, and I hope you hang in there!  I’m definitely still planning on a fall release for this book and I’ll keep everyone posted as soon as I set a date!

Thanks for reading!



12 Comments Add yours

  1. Jo-Ann says:

    Oh wow! I was drawn right in! I want to know what’s going to happen! What has happened! I love how the characters go back and forth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG I can’t even tell you how excited I am to finish this book! I’m so glad you liked the sample, thank you for reading! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jo-Ann says:

        It was my pleasure! I’m excited for your book! Do you have a release date?


      2. Not yet. I’m shooting for late Sept. or early Oct. Hopefully it will be ready by then. I can’t wait!!


      3. Jo-Ann says:

        Thats exciting! Good luck and happy writing, Didi 🙂


      4. Thank you, and back attcha’ 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds interesting! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s in the hands of my editor now, I’m chomping at the bit over here to get it back lol… As you can imagine, I practically have ants in my pants with impatience haha 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wish you the best and I can’t wait to read it! You are awesome just for going for it! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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